Fee structure

Was updated for test 2023-08-22 - Jocelyn Bruckart - JB

WINDA is free to use for Delegate and Organisation users. Training Providers are subject to pay applicable fees. tas..v

Annual Licensing Fee

The Annual Licensing fee will grant Training Providers the right to use the GWO logo in accordance with the Terms of Use, have their location displayed on the map of Training Providers on www.globalwindsafety.org and get access to WINDA. The Annual Licensing fee is set at 650 Euro per certified training site. Training Providers will not be allowed access to WINDA until payment of the annual licensing fee has been received by the GWO secretariat.

Training records upload fee

Training Providers are required to upload a training record when a Delegate has completed a training module. The training record must be uploaded using prepaid credits in WINDA. The fee is set at 10€ per credit – one credit is needed to upload one record of training for one Delegate having completed one module. If one delegate completes 5 modules, you will need 5 credits.  For every purchase of “pack of 100 credits” a 4% discount applies.  The fee will remain at 10€ for all of 2018 and 2019, with 4% discount given to “pack of 100 credits”.

When you deliver a GWO course (module), a record of the training must be uploaded to WINDA. The fee for this transaction is calculated according to the United Nations Human Development Index on an individual country-by-country basis.

The price for uploading a record to WINDA ranges from approximately €5.50 to €9.50 for each module. WINDA automatically calculates the fee according to each training provider's registered location. Click here for a price list for WINDA Credits.
For example, if a training provider is based in the United States of America, the 2020 WINDA Upload fee is €9.20 per module. 3 x GWO modules (eg Working at Height, First Aid and Manual Handling), would result in a cost of 3 x €9.20 = €27.60

Training Providers who wish to receive an invoice instead of purchasing credits by credit card can become eligible to do so if you purchase 500 credits or more. A 4 % discount will be applied to orders larger than 500 credits. In mid-December of 2020, a new update to WINDA will enable training providers to receive an automatic invoice when purchasing 25 credits or more. From this time, it will no longer be necessary to purchase at least 500 credits to receive an invoice.

Any changes to the fee level will be communicated at least three months in advance.  As GWO is not-for-profit, it is the policy to provide the WINDA service at as low costs to industry as possible. 

As described in point 7.4 in the WINDA Terms & Conditions, Training Providers must not have any outstanding debt to GWO. If you want to purchase 500 or more credits and receive an invoice, please write to info@globalwindsafety.org, including your company name, VAT number and desired number of credits. You are welcome to place an order in advance of registering for your Training Provider account.

All prices are listed without VAT.